Pre-primary education

Pre-primary education is held at the Kinttalanharju Early-Childhood Education Centre. Children participate in pre-primary education in the year preceding compulsory education, i.e. six years old.

Pre-primary education is five days a week and up to five lessons per day. A child’s right to early-childhood education is preserved during pre-primary education. According to the Basic Education Act, a child must participate in a year of pre-primary education or other activities that achieve equal objectives.

Kindergarten teachers and special-needs assistants are working in pre-primary education.

Enrolment for pre-primary education happens at a specifically informed time in spring.


The purpose of pre-primary education is to develop the skills in children to be prepared for school by promoting the conditions for child development and learning. In order to do this, there will be cooperation with family and guardians.

The objective of the education is to strengthen a child’s social skills and their healthy self-esteem through play and positive learning experiences. The objective is to detect and address any problems affecting the development and learning of a child in order to prevent difficulties in advance.

Working methods

Pre-primary education is invested in diverse and perceptual-learning methods that promote the activeness and creativity of children. One of the most important methods of working is play. A child learns through play and it is through play that a child lives and perceives the world. Pre-primary education in the municipality of Salla is invested in play pedagogy and guided play, as well as giving children the opportunity to play freely.

The mission of pre-primary education is to support a child’s wide-range learning. Wide-range learning competence means a combination of knowledge, skills, values, attitudes, and will. Competence also means the capacity to use knowledge and skills as required by a situation.

Pre-primary education promotes a child’s skills, in accordance with their age level, in the following areas:

  • thinking and learning
  • cultural competence, interaction, and expression
  • caring for yourself and everyday skills
  • multiliteracy
  • ICT skills
  • participation and influence

There are no separate educational subjects in pre-primary education, but the education is implemented as an entire learning process. The plan takes into account the interests of the children and the general objectives of individual and pre-primary education. The planning and implementation of the activities will take nature, a nature-focused perspective, and sustainable living into account.


Pre-primary education evaluation focuses on the progress of a child’s growth and learning. Progress is evaluated through continuous interaction between the teacher and child, and guardians receive regular feedback in the form of conversation. A certificate of participation is issued at the end of pre-primary education.

Learning plan

An individual learning plan is drawn up for each child at the beginning of pre-primary education in collaboration with the child and guardians.

The purpose of the learning plan is to ensure good prerequisites for a child’s growth and learning. Anytime when necessary, it will be evaluated together with the guardians, however, no later than the spring semester before the end of pre-primary education.


A pre-primary education curriculum has been prepared for the municipality of Salla.


The municipality of Salla’s pre-primary education

Director of the early-childhood education services

Josefiina Marola, tel. +358 (0)40 759 0171


Kaisa Soppela tel. +358 (0)40 680 4019

Pre-primary education team, tel. +358 (0)40 516 7889

Kinttalanharju Early-Childhood Education Centre
Kinttalanharju 3
98900 SALLA