Early-childhood education

In Finland, children attend pre-primary school the year when they turn six. They begin school when they are seven. Before that, they will receive early-childhood education, which is voluntary.

In Salla, early-childhood education is held in the Kinttalanharju Early-Childhood Education Centre.

There are five groups of children:

  • Tiitiäiset (under 3 years)
  • Peukaloiset (2-4 years)
  • Kuukkelit (3-5 years)
  • Tintit (4-6 years)
  • Eskarit
What is early-childhood education?

Early-childhood education is a combination of developing, educating, and care for the child. It is structured with objectives, and it focuses on pedagogy, i.e. developing and educating.

Early-childhood education is part of the Finnish education system and an important stage on the path of a child’s growth and learning. It covers the first years of a child’s life from the age of a baby to the start of primary school. All children have the right to early-childhood education, including pre-schoolers.

Early-childhood education has many tasks. It supports a child’s growth, development, and learning, and promotes the equality of children and prevents marginalisation. Early-childhood education supports the guardians with the work of raising a child and allows them to participate in employment or studies.

The main objective of the early-childhood education in the municipality of Salla is a thriving child. This objective can only be achieved through close cooperation between the people who know the child best, namely guardians, and a professional multi-field cooperation network.

The curriculum

Salla’s local early-childhood education and care curriculum includes the role of early-childhood education and care and the general objectives, organisational culture, planning and implementation of activities, and issues related to child development and support for learning, among other things.

The curriculum is based on the national curriculum for early-childhood education and care.

For each child, a personal early-childhood education and care curriculum, i.e. ECEC, will be formulated, in cooperation with the guardians. The ECEC will be agreed upon together with the guardians about how to promote the individual development, learning, and well-being of each child.

Kinttalanharju Early-Childhood Education Centre and contact details
The visiting address of the Kinttalanharju Early-Childhood Education Centre (formerly known as daycare) and office is Kinttalanharju 3, 98900 Salla.

Mail should be sent to the address Kunnanvirasto, Postipolku 3, 98900 Salla.

Director of the early-childhood education services
Josefiina Marola tel.
+358 (0)40 7590171
Email: firstname.lastname@salla.fi

Head kindergarten teacher
Elisa Vaarala tel
. +358 (0)40 519 2689

Office secretary
Kaisa Soppela tel
. +358 (0)40 680 4019

Pre-primary education tel
. +358 (0)40 516 7889
Tintit tel
. +358 (0)40 637 7405
Kuukkelit tel
. +358 (0)400 268 619
Peukaloiset tel
. +358 (0)40 648 2312
Tiitiäiset/Care outside of regular hours tel
. +358 (0)400 218 151

Applying for a place in early-childhood education
A place in early-childhood education is sought electronically via the link below. The form is in Finnish. If necessary, ask for help from the staff at the Early-Childhood Education Centre.

Daisy-varhaiskasvatuksen asiointipalvelu

Once an electronic application has been made, the family will be contacted and the practical arrangements will be agreed upon, such as introducing the child to early-childhood education, the group, and about possible care outside of regular hours.