E-materials of the library

Lapland libraries have extensive e-materials that are freely available to you.

Through the library’s systems, you are given access to read thousands of magazines and newspapers and listen to music and audiobooks from Finland and around the world. Services are free of charge.

Some of the electronic services are also available from home.

Online materials and newspapers



7000 newspapers and magazines from over 100 different countries are available.
The service is available on the library’s public computers and the library’s wireless network.

You can also access the service from home or anywhere else by logging into the Lapinkirjasto.finna.fi online library with your library card and four-digit PIN code. You can find a link to the PressReader service from your own account at the top of your Loans page.

You can also use the service by installing the free PressReader app (
iPhone/iPad, Android, Windows) on your device. With the app, you can download magazines or newspapers on your device from the library’s wireless network. By using the service on the library’s network, you can also continue to read all magazines and newspapers outside the library for 72 hours after your visit.

E-books and e-audiobooks

E-books and e-audiobooks

Lapland libraries e-book collection
Borrow e-books from the Lapland libraries’ collection. To borrow, you need your library card number.

Naxos Spoken Word

Naxos Spoken Word

Mainly English audiobooks and radio dramas, but also some French, German, and Portuguese literature. In Naxos Spoken Word, you’ll find both fiction and non-fiction: classics, memoirs, business literature, language courses, and more.

Sign in to the service with your library card. The licence amount is limited.


Browse the e-material selection from all the libraries in Finland. Freely available e-books as well.
The service is open to everyone.



Onleihe is a German-language digital library and a part of the digital selection of the Goethe-Institut. It allows you to borrow digital materials such as e-books, e-recordings, e-movies, e-magazines, and e-newspapers for a limited time by downloading them from the Onleihe service’s website.

Users have access to the Lapland libraries’ Ellibs e-book collection, which you can access with a library card, a four-digit PIN code, and a computer, tablet, or smartphone.



A vast number of Lappish popular music, going back in history until today, has been assembled into PopuLappi.
Music and foreign-language audiobooks are available in all Lapland libraries. Sign in to the
service with your library card. The number of concurrent users is limited.

Naxos Music Library

Naxos Music Library 

A service for listening to classical music. Music from over 137,000 CDs. The maximum length of a listening session is two hours.

Naxos World Music

Naxos World Music

A comprehensive selection of world and ethnic music. The collection’s albums are from all corners of the world.

Naxos Music Library Jazz

Naxos Music Library Jazz

A service for listening to jazz music. Music from approximately 10,000 CDs.

Naxos Video Library

Naxos Video Library 

Videos of concerts, operas, ballets, and theatre performances, as well as documentaries and educational materials. The music is mostly classical, but also includes jazz and world music. The subjects of the documentaries include art, history, geography, and world attractions, in addition to music.

All Music Guide

All Music Guide

A large American music database. Album reviews, genre introductions, music samples.
The service is open to everyone.