Salla has a long history of developing sustainable tourism. The results of the work have been featured in Salla’s new brand and on the new website

Salla’s new brand relies on sustainability

The new website of Salla Municipality and Tourism was launched at the Travel 2020 fair in Helsinki on January 17, 2020. Together with the website reform, the Salla brand was clarified. The previous brand work was done more than 10 years ago and the successful slogan “In the middle of nowhere” created then was retained.

The brand, carried out together with the web pages, not only renews the communicative look of Salla municipality and Salla traveler, but also brings new values ​​to the area’s marketing. The new brand is based on what we truly are and respect. Salla- in the middle of nowhere is genuine, reliable and respectful of nature. The new brand photo world is authenticity and the color world supports naturalness. The image concept respects Salla’s roots and traditions and therefore the image language reflects Salla’s values ​​in a traditional art style.

New web pages have now been released, although there are still some gaps. For example, our popular webcams are still missing from the site due to technical challenges. This will be fixed as soon as possible.