Kirpputori Välikäsi (Flea market)

Kuusamontie 9
98900 Salla
tel. +358 (0)40 735 9319

Welcome to the flea market for great bargains! You can also bring your own belongings to sell.

The Välikäsi flea market is located in the centre of the municipality in Save Salla Senter.

The flea market has 50 sales tables, which people can reserve to sell their used clothes and belongings.  Each sales table is 65 x 130 cm.


Table €1.5/open day, i.e. €7.5/week.
Shelf €1/open day, i.e. €5/week.

The people renting the sales spot are responsible for pricing, listing, and placing the products. Table rentals can be paid in conjunction with the settlement. Rent does not have to be paid in advance.

The flea market accepts donations of products and clothes that are in good condition.

The Välikäsi flea market collaborates with the youth workshop.


Monday–Saturday from 10:00–17:00.